1590s แปลว่า
- คริสต์ทศวรรษ 1590
- 1590s architecture: สิ่งก่อสร้างในคริสต์ทศวรรษ 1590
- 1590s births: บุคคลที่เกิดในคริสต์ทศวรรษ 1590
- 1590s deaths: บุคคลที่เสียชีวิตในคริสต์ทศวรรษ 1590
The history of Arita-yaki goes back to the year 1616. In the 1590s when Toyotomi Hideyoshi withdrew troops from Korea after an unsuccessful invasion, a potter named Yi..Further Details...
The history of Arita-yaki goes back to the year 1616. In the 1590s when Toyotomi Hideyoshi withdrew troops from Korea after an unsuccessful invasion, a potter named Yi Sa ...Further Details...
The history of Arita-yaki goes back to the year 1616. In the 1590s when Toyotomi Hideyoshi withdrew troops from Korea after an unsuccessful invasion, a potter named Yi ...Further Details...
The Spanish Dominicans built the Church of S. Domingos (St. Dominic's) during the 1590s along with a convent, which unfortunately no longer exists. The church is dedicated to Our...
The Spanish Dominicans built the Church of S. Domingos (St. Dominic's) during the 1590s along with a convent, which unfortunately no longer exists. The church is dedicated to Our...