1938 แปลว่า
- พ.ศ. 2481
- 1938 architecture: สิ่งก่อสร้างตั้งแต่ พ.ศ. 2481
- 1938 births: บุคคลที่เกิดในปี พ.ศ. 2481
- 1938 deaths: บุคคลที่เสียชีวิตในปี พ.ศ. 2481
Parameters Cylinders: 1938021, ends: 16, sectors per track: 63, bytes per sector: 512
We have been operating in Thailand since 1938
Hokkaido's winemaking started in 1876 when the Sapporo Winery (Sapporo Budoshu Seisakujo) was founded. In 1938, winemaking further spread as today's Nikka Whisky started making wine in Yoichi and gradually expanded to such locations as Ikeda, Furano, and Otaru.
Hokkaido's winemaking started in 1876 when the Sapporo Winery (Sapporo Budoshu Seisakujo) was founded. In 1938, winemaking further spread as today's Nikka Whisky started making wine in Yoichi and gradually expanded to such locations as Ikeda, Furano, and Otaru.
Hokkaido's winemaking started in 1876 when the Sapporo Winery (Sapporo Budoshu Seisakujo) was founded. In 1938, winemaking further spread as today's Nikka Whisky started making wine in Yoichi and gradually expanded to such locations as Ikeda, Furano, and Otaru.