amaryllis แปลว่า
- ว่านสี่ทิศด่าง
- amaryllis belladonna: ต้นเบลลาดอนนา
- amaryllis family: วงศ์พลับพลึง
- genus amaryllis: สกุลอะมารีลลิส
Amaryllis Translation Thai-English English-Thai
The Aquarius likes it fancy and unusual. Azalea and amaryllis are flowers of taste for this star sign.
"Harkon Umber, first of his name, born to Lord Hother Umber and Lady Amaryllis Umber in the 183rd year after Aegon's landing, at the last hearth.
Canned, frozen herbs can also adversely affect the health of eared pets. In addition, ornamental and indoor plants such as amaryllis, azaleas, begonias, jasmine, and poppy should not be given to animals.
Answer: We sell Flower bulbs online especially cold weather flower ‘s bulbs such as Amaryllis Lilly Hyacinth imported from Holland. We sell only in bulb for customers to plant it by themselves. Along with step by step growing instructions