brier แปลว่า
- n. พุ่มไม้มีหนามเช่น กุหลาบป่า
- brier patch: ไบรเออร์
- brier-wood: ไม้เบรียร์วู้ด
- horse brier: ต้นกรีนไบรเออร์
57:10 Before your thorns could know the brier, he consumes them alive, as if in rage.
32:13 Thorn and brier will rise up, over the soil of my people. How much more over all the houses of gladness, over the city of exultation?
27:4 Indignation is not mine. Who will be a thorn and a brier to me in battle? I will advance against them. I set them on fire together.
9:18 For impiety has been kindled like a fire: it will devour brier and thorn, and it will burn in the dense forest, and it will be interwoven with the ascending smoke.