dusky แปลว่า
- ['dʌskɪ]
- ขมุกขมัว [kha muk kha mūa]
- คล้ำ [khlam]
- ดำ [dam]
- พยับ [pha yap]
- หมองมัว [møng mūa]
- dusky broadbill: n. exp. นกพญาปากกว้างสีดำ [nok pha yā pāk kwāng sī dam]
- dusky langur: n. exp. ค่างแว่นถิ่นใต้ [khāng waen tin tāi]
- dusky longhorn: n. exp. ด้วงหนวดยาวอกหนามดำ [dūang nūat yāo ok nām dam]
If you need a replacement, I've been told that I have a dusky alto.
Adult dusky langur monitoring fellow langurs
¶¶ Do you hope to pluck this dusky jewel? ¶¶
Besides, you have nothing to worry about, because now I'm the dusky half of Koothrapenny.
Compared to greyish adults baby dusky langur is orange coloured