gaya แปลว่า
- ['gɑːjə]
n. prop.
- bodh gaya: พุทธคยา
- gaya confederacy: อาณาจักรคายา
- gaya district: อำเภอคยา
Rak Gaya Spa Offer Single, Double and Group of Six Thai Massage Rooms
Book of Hokkaido Golden Coupon > 施設情報 > チケット枚数 > 3枚 > Hakodate Dining Gaya
*14 **9-hour train ride to Bodh Gaya. Spent a night at Thai temple. Took a stroll. Worship the Mercy Buddha at Mahabodhi Temple. Evening rickshaw ride to the Japanese temple.
Rak Gaya Spa Offer Single, Double and Group of Five Thai Massage Rooms
Bodh Gaya It is a sacred place with Wat Wang Wiwak Ram. Model from the Bodh Gaya. It is a place of enlightenment of the Buddha. In India Inside the pagoda containing the relics