ignatius แปลว่า
- นักบุญอิกเนเชียส
- ignatius of antioch: อิกเนเชียสแห่งแอนติออก
- ignatius of loyola: โลโยลาอิกเนเชียสแห่งลาโฮลา
- saint ignatius: นักบุญอิกเนเชียส
Saint Ignatius, the Bishop of Antioch, Letter to the Romans, c. A.D. 107:
Bake sale... St. Ignatius nursing home Was having a tag sale,
St. Ignatius - Prayer for Generosity
For an in-depth study of Peter’s office in light of Isaiah 22, see Stephen K. Ray, Upon This Rock (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1999), p. 265. ↩
The same Body that suffered and died on the Cross for our sins and returned from the dead, as Ignatius explained, is present to us in the Holy Eucharist (cf. John 6:51).