roughness แปลว่า
- ['rʌfnəs]
ความขรุขระ [khwām khru khra]
- relative roughness: n. exp. ความขรุขระสัมพัทธ์ [khwām khru khra sam phat]
- roughness coefficient: สัมประสิทธิ์ของความขรุขระ
Provide the predetermined number of the coefficient of roughness
Excellent internal roughness according to state of the art technology.
Linear Velocity Grease Lubrication 2 m/s Roughness Ra=0.4~1.25
Linear Velocity Grease Lubrication 2.5 m/s Roughness Ra=0.4~1.25
Linear Velocity Grease Lubrication 2.5 m/s Roughness Ra=0.16~0.63