seafloor แปลว่า
- n. exp.
พื้นมหาสมุทร [pheūn ma hā sa mut]
- seafloor spreading: n. exp. - การขยายตัวของพื้นทะเล [kān kha yāi tūa khøng pheūn tha lē] - การขยายตัวของพื้นมหาสมุทร [kān kha yāi tūa khøng pheūn ma hā sa mut]
Trilobites were armored animals that hunted in great herds across the seafloor.
Later the restless Earth pushed up the seafloor and carved out these massive cliffs.
Years later, when Marie and Bruce placed a map of oceanic earthquake epicenters on a light table over her seafloor map, the earthquakes fell right along the rift valley.