tafsir แปลว่า
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Are Ali bin Ibrahim Qummi's tafsir and his masters (mashayikh) reliable?
Also see: The Commentary of Verse "There is no compulsion in the religion" in Tafsir al-Mizan, vol.2, pg.278 and Tafsir Nemouneh, vol.2, pg.360.
Also see: The Commentary of Verse "There is no compulsion in the religion" in Tafsir al-Mizan, vol.2, pg.278 and Tafsir Nemouneh, vol.2, pg.360.
Ali bin Ibrahim bin Hashim Qummi is one of the great Shiite scholars. As per Najashi's and Sheikh Tusi's reports, he has a book titled "Tafsir Qummi". The book is available to all for the time being and some of its narrations are mentioned in some reliable ...