thrombolysis แปลว่า
- กระบวนการละลายลิ่มเลือด
Section Three: Acute Ischemic Stroke Treatment: Intravenous Thrombolysis and Endovascular Thrombectomy
Section Three: Acute Ischemic Stroke Treatment: Intravenous Thrombolysis and Endovascular Thrombectomy
Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou has conducted the three-pronged surgery combining bracket implantation, filter implantation and thrombolysis, and solved deep venous thrombosis of cervical cancer patie...
Section Three: Acute Ischemic Stroke Treatment: Intravenous Thrombolysis and Endovascular Thrombectomy
The department´s Stroke Unit treats more than 300 patients with acute is chemic stroke every year. We are a comprehensive stroke center with outstanding expertise in acute stroke treatment using various forms of thrombolysis and novel neu-roprotective technologies