trial-and-error แปลว่า
- การลองผิดลองถูก
- by trial and error: อย่างอาศัยการสังเกตเชิงประจักษ์
- trial and error: n. การลองผิดลองถูก
- trial by error: n. exp. การลองผิดลองถูก [kān løng phit løng thūk]
"Very user friendly. Very forgiving, allows for quite a bit of trial-and-error."
However, trial-and-error is the best method in which to discover your tolerance, as caffeine tolerance is highly individual and can be quite unpredictable.
Searching for a publishing company who’ll agree to publish your book requires plenty of trial-and-error, being a tedious process before you finally find a suitable one.
Performs all essential lamp tests in less than 30 seconds Maintaining fluorescent lamps tends to be a trial-and-error process. Bulbs not lit? Climb the ladder and replace them. Still not ...