ลุ่น อังกฤษ
สัทอักษรสากล: [lun]การออกเสียง: ลุ่น การใช้"ลุ่น" คือ
- [lun]
cut short ; stumped ; stumpy ; bare ; naked ; unadorned ; frilless ; undecorated ; straight ; brusque
The first rule of Fight Club is... ..you do not talk about Fight Club.
more character than we've seen so far this morning.
Tamarind with Plum is the famous flavor product among consumer . This product has been prepa...
Well, I presume you don't consider my marriage a paragon of excellence, but the thing that's kept the fire lit all these years is that we know how to fight, but not surrender.
I also bought scented soaps, pantyhose, Midol, calcium chews and what is apparently a yogurt specifically designed to regulate the female bowel.