radioautography การใช้
- "In 1946, after returning to Montreal from service with the Free French Forces, it was clear to me that the crude technique previously used for radioautography had to be improved ".
- From 1980-84 he worked on a project " Drug Action, brain development and behavioral changes in the mammalian system " financed by CSIR ( India ) . This work mainly led to the finding that action of some CNS acting drugs are potentiated in undernourished animals . They also observed that the drug reserpine is a strong inhibitor of lipid peroxidation and protein phosphorylation in brain . This project was mainly concerned with interaction between drug action, monoamines and membrane phenomenon which could later be extra polated to behaviour . Since various gangliosides are involved in binding of cerebral amines the contents of different species of gangliosides and neuraminidase activity was established . He established that the drug reerpine effects the cationiv content of rat brain and proposed that changes in cationic content may be playing a part in release of monoamines at the synapse . It was further shown that transport property of isolated cerebral tissue is altered in chronic reserpinized animals which further pointed out the membrane action of reserpine . In 1980 he established that there is a relationship between high density lipoproteins and premature atherosclerosis in patients with renal failure . The work on lipoproteins was also carried out with patients suffering from anxiety neurosis . He was one of the coinvestigators in an international study on protein energy requirements in indivisuals of this country and this work was supported by the United Nations University . In addition he was involved in a number of collaborative studies with various groups in the institute . The studies include Biochemical and Immunological studies in chylurya, placental oxidative enzymes in pregnancy anemia, Lecithin-Sphingomyelin ratio in fetal lung maturity etc . Till August 2000 he was involved in study of protein phosphorylation in brain . He had shown that protein phosphorylation is adversely on rehabilation . Attempts were in progress to characterize specific proteins by SDSPAGE and radioautography . He had shown the effect of pentobarbitone on cerebral protein phosphorylation which is not due to to its action on electron transport chain . Work was also in progress in his laboratory till August 2000 to study effect of a number of CNS drugs on protein phosphorylation in brain and to examine if specific proteins are effected . This would have helped to establish exact role of cerebral phosphoproteins in neurotransmission . Mechanism of action of some antiepileptic drugs on brain metabolism was also in progress . In 1999 he conclusively established that in conditions like Alzeihmer's disease there is phosphorylation related folding problem of proteins . This is responsible for cognitive and other defects . Similar situation exists under severe undernutrition during brain growth spurt period and similar mechanism involving protein phosphorylation may be involved here also.
คำอื่น ๆ
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