dentinal fluids การใช้
- He found that in the teeth of rats fed a cariogenic diet the flow of dentinal fluid was markedly reduced.
- Gluteraldehyde induces coagulation of proteins in dentinal tubules, which reacts with the serum albumin in the dentinal fluid to cause its precipitation.
- Within each dentinal tubule is a space of variable size containing dentinal fluid, an odontoblastic process, and possibly an afferent axon ( see next discussion ).
- The dentinal fluid in the tubule presumably also includes the tissue fluid surrounding the cell membrane of the odontoblast, which is continuous from the cell body in the pulp.
- Apparently nutritive substrates activate neural stimuli going to the hypothalamus, which in turn activates the hypothalamic-parotid gland endocrine axis that then stimulates the dentinal fluid transport mechanism.
- Tjaderhane, L . et al ., ( 1994 ) discovered that the parotid hormone not only regulates the flow of dentinal fluid but also is involved in the formation of dentin dentinogenesis.
- One day he received a telephone call from Dr . Ralph R . Steinman, a dental colleague, who had been studying the flow of dentinal fluid in rats from the odontoblasts in the dental pulp through the dentin using an intraperitoneal injection of the fluorescent dye, acriflavine hydrochloride.
- The components of the innate response of the dentin / pulp complex to caries include at least the following six : ( 1 ) outward flow of dentinal fluid; ( 2 ) odontoblasts; ( 3 ) neuropeptides and neurogenic inflammation; ( 4 ) innate immune cells, including immature dendritic cells ( DCs ), T cells, as well as ( 5 ) their cytokines and ( 6 ) chemokines.