festuca ovina การใช้
- The CG2 " Festuca ovina-Avenula pratensis " grassland.
- The sward is notable for upright brome ( Bromus erectus ) and sheep s fescue ( Festuca ovina ).
- Found in Poland growing under " Festuca ovina ", it was described as a new species in 1988.
- The larvae feed in the stems of various grasses, such as tufted hair-grass and " Festuca ovina ".
- Much of the site is unimproved chalk grassland with many plants which are now rare, and Festuca ovina is dominant over large areas.
- The larvae feed on various grasses such as Tufted Hair-grass, " Festuca ovina ", and " Arrhenatherum elatius ".
- The blue-gray grass Festuca ovina Solling and a dwarf red hot poker in candy colors, Kniphofia Border Ballet, are my substitutes for pasture grass.
- I edged the bed in blue fescue ( Festuca ovina ` glauca'), which grows in clumps and sends up a bluish haze of fruiting heads.
- In places the grassland displays a weakly developed acidic character; common bent and sheep's fescue, " Festuca ovina ", are the dominant species.
- The open grassland is rich in herbs, with fescues " Festuca ovina " and " Festuca pratensis ", Rock Rose, Wild Thyme, and Clustered Bellflower.
- The swards that it forms are not as tufted as sheep's fescue ( " Festuca ovina " ) or wavy hair grass ( " Deschampsia flexuosa " ).
- The species occurs in different plant communities, most commonly in highly diverse " Festuca ovina " " Avenula pratensis " grasslands that exist because of intense grazing by sheep or rabbits.
- "' NVC community U6 "'( " "'Juncus squarrosus-Festuca ovina " grassland "') is one of the calcifugous grassland communities in the British National Vegetation Classification system.
- Cave Dale's steep north-facing grassy slopes are damp and bryophyte-rich and are dominated by oat grass ( " Trisetum flavescent " ) and Sheep's Fescue ( " Festuca ovina " ).
- Parts of the shingle with more moderate toxicity support short grasses such as sheep s fescue ( " Festuca ovina " ), or taller grasses including false oat-grass ( " Arrhena therum elatius " ) and common knapweed ( " Centaurea nigra " ).
- The main grass species in the community are sheep's fescue ( " Festuca ovina " ) and red fescue ( " Festuca rubra " ) and there is an absence of the dwarf sedge ( " Carex humilis " ), which is common at other downland sites nearby.
- On the upper slopes the juniper is associated with species-rich acid grassland, which is dominated by sheep's fescue, " Festuca ovina ", common bent, " Agrostis capillaris ", heath bedstraw, " Galium saxatile ", and tormentil, " Potentilla erecta ".
- Grassland on the Helvellyn range has been heavily overgrazed for many years, yet it supports a diversity of acid grassland species including Sheep s fescue ( " Festuca ovina " ) on the summit ridge, Matgrass ( " Nardus stricta " ) on the middle slopes, and fescue-bent swards on the lower slopes.