funding ratio การใช้
- The Criminal Justice Act 1972 formalised that funding ratio.
- At the time of that ranking, OTRS funding ratio was 50.5 percent.
- The funding ratio is calculated by dividing a plan's total assets by the projected benefit obligations.
- The plans'funding ratios, calculated by dividing assets by liabilities, fell from 104 percent to 83 percent, Wilshire said.
- When a pension funding ratio falls below 90 percent, the company must notify the employees and pay higher premiums into a government program that insures pensions.
- The 2008 Public Fund Survey ranked OTRS as having the fourth-lowest funding ratio ( assets set aside compared to pension liability ) among 126 state pension plans.
- When that limit is reached, the only way to make future contributions tax-deductible is to increase benefits until the funding ratio falls below the limit in the tax code.
- *The Net Stable Funding Ratio was to require the available amount of stable funding to exceed the required amount of stable funding over a one-year period of extended stress.
- Samaggi currently refuses to disclose the public / private funding ratio, but said the embassy and OEA has provided about ?, 000 ( 102, 700 baht ) for academic events.
- On October 31, 2014, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision issued its final Net Stable Funding Ratio ( it was initially proposed in 2010 and re-proposed in January 2014 ).
- The S & amp; P report, discussed Tuesday on a conference call, indicated that the average funding ratio of corporate defined-benefit plans stood at 94 percent at the beginning of July.
- As a result, the G20 launched an overhaul of banking regulation known as Basel III . In addition to changes in capital requirement s, Basel III also contains two entirely new liquidity requirements : the "'net stable funding ratio ( NSFR ) "'and the "'liquidity coverage ratio ( LCR ) " '.