speak evil of การใช้
- She always refused to speak evil of fast food but admitted she could live without Mexican cuisine.
- To speak evil of those whom you have not sought the opportunity to instruct is not the way of friendship and harmony ."
- According to the experts at Merriam-Webster, to malign is to " utter injuriously misleading or false reports about; speak evil of ."
- And he purifies his heart, and his sins are forgiven him, because he committed them in ignorance in the former time, when he used to blaspheme and speak evil of the true knowledge of the Christians.
- "The whole intention of their lives, " according to Lucy Crawford's memoirs, " was to live humbly, walk uprightly, deal justly with all, speak evil of none ."
- Eikenberry, whose letter stunned some party leaders while infuriating Buchanan backers, also demands that Buchanan sign the so-called " 11th Commandment " pledge, which says, " Thou shall not speak evil of any Republican ."
- To speak evil of those whom you have not sought the opportunity to instruct is not the way of friendship and harmony . " After leaving Confucius, Zigong served in high offices in both in Lu and Wei, and finally died in Qi.
- And a joule, incredibly, is actually m ^ 2 kg / s ^ 2, which means I couldn't possibly have fouled up this calculation . : ) ( no, really " do " speak evil of it when you find the bug)
- Child always refused to speak evil of fast food but admitted she could live without Mexican cuisine, and she never quite saw the point of Italian food . " I don't think it's a real cuisine because you don't do much, " she said in an interview last year.
- After the Battle of Badr, one of the Banu Nadir's chiefs Ka'b ibn al-Ashraf, went to the Quraish in order to lament the loss at Badr and to incite them to take up arms to regain lost honor, noting the statement of Muhammad : " " He ( Ka'b ) has openly assumed enmity to us and speaks evil of us and he has gone over to the polytheists ( who were at war with Muslims ) and has made them gather against us for fighting " ".