hautbois การใช้
- A few of Paladilhe's works for solo woodwind and solo voice are still performed today, the most notable being his " Solo pour hautbois ", alternatively titled " Solo de concert ", written in 1898.
- Bach added a more precise extra page : " Dominica Septuages . / Ich bin vergn黦t mit meinem Gl點ke / ?/ Soprano Solo ?/ 3 Ripieni / 1 Hautbois / 2 Violini / Viola / e Continuo / di / Joh : Seb : Bach ".
- Title on autograph score : " "'Concerto 2 do ?1 Tromba, 1 Flauto, 1 Hautbois, 1 Violino, concertati, ?2 Violini, 1 Viola ?Violone in Ripieno col Violoncello ?Basso per il Cembalo . " "'
- English horn concertos appeared about a century later than oboe solo pieces, mostly because until halfway through the 18th century different instruments ( the taille de hautbois, vox humana and the oboe da caccia ) had the role of the tenor or alto instrument in the oboe family.
- Little Hautbois has the feel of an isolated rural community now, but two former main transport routes pass through it : the River Bure, canalized in the 18th century to allow navigation up to Aylsham, and the Bure Valley Railway, now a light steam railway but formerly a full-sized railway.
- The title page of the autograph score reads : " CONCERTO . / Dominica 20 post Trinit : / Schm點ke dich o liebe Seele etc . / a 4 Voci / Traversiere / 2 Flauti . / 2 Hautbois / 2 Violini / Viola . / Continuo / di / Signore / Joh : Seb : Bach ."
- I was surprised to see the number of Instrumental Masters for there were 2 Harpsichords, 2 large basse violins each about 7 foot in length at least with strings proportionable that cou d not be less than a ?of an inch diameter, 4 violoncellos, 4 bassoons, 2 Hautbois, 1 Theorbo lute & above 24 violins.
- The main source of the sonatas is the c . 1730 publication " Sonates pour un traversiere un violin ou hautbois con basso continuo compos閑s par G . F . Handel ", allegedly by the Amsterdam publisher Jeanne Roger ( who had died in December 1722 ), however the publication was made by the printer revised version under his own name.
- :" Il est des parfums frais comme des chairs d'enfants, Doux comme les hautbois, verts comme les prairies, Et d'autres, corrompus, riches et triomphants, Ayant l'expansion des choses infinies, Comme l'ambre, le musc, le benjoin et l'encens, Qui chantent les transports de l'esprit et des sens ."
- The 1732 edition ( which displays at the bottom of the title page the legend " Note : This is more Corect than the former Edition " ) was mostly reprinted from the plates of an earlier 1730 publication, titled " "'Sonates pour un Traversiere un Violon ou Hautbois Con Basso Continuo Compos閑s par G . F . Handel " "' purportedly printed in Amsterdam by Jeanne Roger, but now shown to have been a forgery by Walsh ( dated well after Jeanne Roger's death in 1722 ).
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