enforce bind down lay destine compel declare chain to be fated state stipulate force inflict ordain evaluate write estimate indicate exact influence estimate roughly condemn identify plot stipulate for enumerate take note classify copy decide define record create legislate announce lock in assign tie down require formulate adjudge prescribe mark down assignation install specify name specially limit value restrict denominate be destined confine chain down decree regulate enjoin write down set out line up guide assess allocate specific appraise suppose impose doom scheme obligate pronounce devise enact calculate establish control designate levy pitch direct cite appoint be specific settle schedule lay out lay down specification fix determination plan oblige determine invent set proclaim design
กํา grip take hold of clutch cuddle catch grab embrace clench bunch cluster halt
หน n. 1. time; 2. place, direction. ตัวอย่าง: สมภารลงกราบหลวงพ่อสามหน