proceed discharge carry on do send about make up let do wrong pretend turn out keep in conduct observe construct fy function make as if raise cause make on manufacture take form have plastic surgery produce deal with frame run practice make engage in operate be about get on with create act -fy erect contract behave execute take action get in build work be engaged in did deal perform make a mistake foil manage commit carry out rear show
ท่า n. 1. pier, landing; 2. manner, condition, attitude; v. 3. to seem, to look like. ที่เกี่ยวข้อง: ท่าข้าม, ท่าเรือจ้าง (a ferry), ท่าน้ำ (a landing, a place on waterside where people go
ท้า v. to challenge, tempt, dare. ที่เกี่ยวข้อง: คำท้าทาย (to provoke or excite by defiคำตรงข้าม:words or actions (such as will induce a fight)). ตัวอย่าง: เขาท้าให้ผมต่อสู้กับเขา He challenged me