abought การใช้
- In the course of his duties, the seventeen-year-old midshipman's foot was almost completely blown off by a grenade, left attached to him " by a Piece of Skin abought 4 inch above the ankle ".
- The manor descended to the Bartholomews, but a dispute arose in the 16th century when Thomas Bartholomew and his wife Anne complained that Arthur Bulkeley and others had entered their manor-house of Bickton, broken down their hedges and gates, driven away their cattle and taken away " a greate bell hanging in the roffe of the said manor-howse wyche of a veri long tyme hadd hanged there and used as a warnyng bell when any daunger of enemyes fyer or theves were abought the seid howse . " In 1632 the manor was sold to John Davenant who was at that time the bishop of Salisbury, and the manor stayed with the Davenants throughout the 17th century.