accoutred การใช้
- Nisia follows on a magnificently accoutred elephant.
- And though the girls do wear pants, they as often wear dresses, accoutred with nifty striped knee socks or prim white anklets.
- When he arrived the militia consisted of about 10, 000 men, who were by his report " badly accoutred and scarcely at all disciplined ".
- A second email gave a free link to the entry for " accoutre "; I will quote some salient parts for those without access, though Lesgles has brought up most of these points already.
- He collected together all the camels that had come in the train of his army to carry the provisions and the baggage, and taking off their loads, he mounted riders upon them accoutred as horsemen.
- Major Blankenburg had barely time to mount; nevertheless, with such of his men as were accoutred and prepared, he attacked the French horsemen, and drove them back to the gates of the town.
- Whilst the receiver was proceeding with the business in hand, a strange diversion was created by the entrance of the " Countess, " accompanied by her henchman, and accoutred after a somewhat novel fashion of warlike equipment.
- Systematic archaeological research of the church started in 1969 . In 1972, a royal burial of a 1.9 m-tall accoutred man was excavated that included a massive ( 61.1-gram ) gold ring bearing a heraldic image and the inscription " Kaloyanov prasten " ( IA * ! " * , " Kaloyan's ring " ) in negative ( see photo ).
- As you say, " accountred " does not currently appear in the OED, although we are only now embarking on the revision of entries under " A " in the ongoing revision of the dictionary ( more information about this can be found at : http : / / www . oed . com / public / oed3 / rewriting-the-oed ) In the meantime, I will forward you the link to our entry for " accoutre " which may be of interest to you.