affinal การใช้
- The second generation (-2 ) does not distinguish between affinal and consanguine relatives.
- They also took affinal prohibitions very seriously.
- The terms of kinship identify individuals according to each generation, gender, affinals and cosanguines.
- By overstressing the structural significance of affinal ties, alliance theory effectively neglected the importance of descent and genealogical ties.
- Band membership was highly flexible over time, and was based as much on affinal ties and friendships as on consanguineal relations.
- To quote Leach : " The evident importance attached to matrilateral and affinal kinship connections is not so much explained as explained away ."
- The kinship group of the Southern Kankana-eys consists of his descent group and, once he is married, his affinal kinsmen.
- A marriage, by definition, bestows rights and obligations on the married parties, and sometimes on affinal ties ( in-laws ).
- Holy argues from the case of the Palestinians that FBD marriage should not be viewed as simply " adding " affinal ties to previous agnatic ones.
- In societies like Europe that place greater value on affinal relations, responsibility for a married woman rests with both her husband's family and her own.
- A Re-Examination of Tukanoan Social Organisation " : " Horizontal affinal exchanges between different groups have their complement in the vertical or hierarchical ordering of agnatic relations within each one.
- Moreover, descent theory neglected the significance of marriage and affinal ties, which were emphasized by Levi-Strauss'structural anthropology, at the expense of overemphasizing the role of descent.
- The "'Mickey Mouse family "'are affinal relatives of Mickey based on Walt Disney's comment that Mickey and Minnie are a married couple, despite the fact that they play boyfriend and girlfriend in stories.
- In 1952, he gave a commentary on Claude L関i-Strauss's theory of kinship and highlighted the significance of double descent or bilinealism in explaining some of the features of affinal arrangements which Dutch ethnologists had previously researched in Indonesian related subjects.
- In the eleventh century Guido d'Arezzo, in chapter 8 of his " Micrologus ", designated these transposed finals A, Bn & and C as " affinals ", and later still the term " confinal " was used in the same way.
- The work at the dump was organized by informal means, as described by Helleiner : " Gaining and keeping a regular position at the dump depended on having close kinship or affinal ties to those already established . " Also, scrap metal collection involved logistical challenges of transporting product, and the need for capital investments such as vehicles.
- To the extent that consanguineal and affinal kinship ties might be considered " real " or " true " kinship, the term " fictive kinship " has in the past been used to refer to those kinship ties that are " fictive ", in the sense of " not-real ".
- Different societies classify kinship relations differently and therefore use different systems of kinship terminology; for example, some languages distinguish between consanguine and affinal uncles ( i . e . the brothers of one's parents and the husbands of the sisters of one's parents, respectively ), whereas others have only one word to refer to both a father and his brothers.
- They relate this to an old Arab proverb : " Myself against my brother; my brother and I against my cousin; my cousin, my brother and I against the outsider . " In such a society even the presence of a limited amount of cross-cousin marriage will not break the isolation of the kin group, for first cross cousins often end up being second parallel cousins . " Instead of organizing horizontally through affinal ties, when large scale organization is necessary it is accomplished vertically, by reckoning distance from shared ancestors.