albizzia การใช้
- The larvae feed on " Albizzia gummifera " species.
- He has performed over 400 Albizzia surgeries and over 150 cosmetic leg lengthening surgeries.
- The bark of the musuemba ( " Albizzia coriaria " ) is largely used in the tanning of leather.
- Today, the top canopy is made up almost only of eucalyptus, along with some Hardwickia, binata and Albizzia amara.
- The mimosa that is cold-hardy this far north, Albizzia julibrissin Rosea, is rarely planted any more because of mimosa wilt.
- Antiallergenic herbs such as the Indian herb Albizzia and the Chinese herb Baical Skullcap will also be beneficial ( again use very low doses ).
- A herbal mixture of albizzia, baical skullcap, echinacea and withania will help treat eczema from within by reducing the allergic response and strengthening the immune system.
- Along the larger rivers, isolated trees of Semal " Bombax ceiba " and two species of Koroi " Albizzia " sp . are common.
- The obsolete spelling of the generic name-with double'z'- is still common, so the plants may be called "'albizzias " '.
- It was during his residency in 1987 at the University Center ( CHU ) in Dijon, France, that Guichet invented the Albizzia Nail in collaboration with his professor, Paul Marie Grammont.
- The genus is named after the Italian nobleman Filippo degli Albizzi, who introduced it to Europe in the mid-18th century, and it is sometimes incorrectly spelled " Albizzia ".
- The tree species grown in this part of the garden are Prunus cerasoides, Saurauja nepaulensis, Grevillea hilliana, Aesculus punduana, Pinus sabineana, Cupressus torulosa, Syncarpia glomulifera, Pinus roxburghii, Albizzia julibrissin etc.
- Leow said the trees suitable for planting along highways must not bear big fruits or have serious leave dropping, no aerial roots, no brittle branches such as the angsana tree or the match box tree ( Albizzia facalta ).
- The lower plains contain more open forests, which tend to be dominated by " Bombax ceiba " in association with " Albizzia procera ", " Duabanga grandiflora ", and " Sterculia vilosa ".
- If it is mucus, then a diet free of common allergens such as dairy wheat, yeast and eggs along with decongestive herbs such as golden seal and garlic, and anti-allergic herbs such as albizzia and baical skullcap, should help.
- Larvae were reared from pupae found on a banana leaf and have also been reared on foliage of " Albizzia " species ( including " Albizia saman " ), " Acacia farnesiana " and " Pithecellobium dulce ".
- The larvae have been recorded feeding on the phyllodes and in galls on " Acacia " species in Australia and in New Zealand they have been reared from the foliage of " Acacia longifolia ", " Acacia melanoxylon " and " Albizzia julibrissin ".
- Over the years, almost all the forest areas have been worked on one or more times resulting in large expanses of man made forests consisting mostly of " Eucalyptus ", " Acacia auriculiformis ", " Glyricidia ", and miscellaneous species such as " Hardwickia ", " Albizzia ", " Azadirachta ", " Pterocarpus ", etc . The majority of these plantations are successful.
- According to the book, the assortment of ingredients in Haitian zombie powder include puffer fish, matter from a corpse ( specifically to Davis'adventure in Haiti, the bokor, a Haitian shaman, crushed the skull of a deceased infant that had been dead for a month or two, and added it to the poison ), freshly killed blue lizards, a large dried toad ( " Bufo marinus " ) with a dried sea worm wrapped around it ( prepared beforehand ), " tcha-tcha " ( " Albizzia " ), and " itching pea " ( " pois grater ", a species of " Mucuna " ).
- It is a stratified forest, with a layer of very tall trees such as the endemic chestnut-leaved oak ( boland-mazu; Quercus castaneaefolia ), Siberian elm ( derakht-e-azad; Zelkova crenata ) and iron tree ( anjili; Parrotia persica ) and more common elms, maples, and hornbeams ( ulas ); a layer of smaller trees like the endemic Gleditchia caspica ( lilaki ), Diospyros lotus ( kalhu ), and Albizzia julibrissin ( shabkhosb ), boxwood ( shemshad ) in shady spots and all kinds of wild fruit trees; and an underwood with evergreen bushes such as Prunus laurocerasus ( jal ) and holly ( khas ), moss, wild vine, ivy, and other creeping plants.