alcelaphus การใช้
- Nine representations of Hartebeest antelopes ( Bubalis alcelaphus boselaphus ) are in naturalistic style.
- The "'tora hartebeest "'( " Alcelaphus buselaphus tora " ) is an extremely endangered antelope, native to Eritrea and Ethiopia.
- "' Lichtenstein's hartebeest "'( " Alcelaphus buselaphus lichtensteinii " ) is a savannah-and floodplain-dwelling antelope found in southern Central Africa.
- Maze is noted for its population of the Swayne's hartebeest ( " Alcelaphus buselaphus swaynei " ), and is said to be second only to Senkelle Swayne's Hartebeest Sanctuary in importance for that subspecies.
- The majority of the specimens fall within the scope of the genera Alcelaphus, Anomalurus, Cephalophus, Cercocebus, Cercopithecus, Colobus, Euoticus, Felis, Gazella, Gorilla, Kobus, Pan, Redunca, Sylvicapra, Syncerus and Tragelaphuse ( number of the specimens exceeds 100 ).
- The "'western hartebeest "'( " Alcelaphus buselaphus major " ) is an antelope native to the medium to tall grassland plains of Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, the Central African Republic, Chad, C魌e d'Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, and Togo.
- :: " A . lichtensteinii has been classified as a subspecies of A . buselaphus by zoologists Jonathan Kingdon and Theodor Haltenorth, but was placed by Vrba in a separate genus Sigmoceros . [ 2 ] Gentry placed it as an independent species in Alcelaphus in 1990 "-this sentence is problematic-the first and second facts we know already, and the third is not good placed at the end as subsequent genetic studies show it is wrong and that the taxon is nested within the hartebeest complex.
- :"'Genera "': Acinonyx, Addax, Aepyceros, Alcelaphus, Allenopithecus, Ammodorcas, Ammotragus, Anomalurus, Antidorcas, Antilope, Aonyx, Atherurus, Atilax, Bdeogale, Bos, Boselaphas, Bubalus, Canis, Capra, Capricornis, Cephalophus, Ceratotherium, Cercocebus, Cercopithecus, Cervus, Colobus, Connochaetes, Cricetomys, Crocidura, Crocuta, Crossarchus, Cryptomys, Ctenodactylus, Cynictis, Damaliscus, Dendrohyrax, Dicerus, Dorcatragus, Equus, Erythrocebus, Euoticus, Felis, Fennecus, Funisciurus, Galago, Galagoides, Gazella, Genetta, Gerbillus, Giraffa, Gorilla, Graphiurus, Heliosciurus, Helogale, Hemitragus, Herpestes, Heterohyrax, Hippopotamus, Hipposideros, Hippotragus, Hyaena, Hybomys, Hyemoschus, Hylochoerus, Hypsignathus, Hystrix, Ichneumia, Ictonyx, Kobus, Lemniscomys, Lepus, Litocranius, Loxodonta, Lutra, Lycaon, Macaca, Macroscelides, Madoqua, Malacomys, Mandrillus, Manis, Marmota, Mellivora, Melursus, Miopithecus, Moschus, Mungos, Mustela, Myonycteris, Myosciurus, Nandinia, Nemorhaedus, Neotragus, Nycteris, Ochotona, Octocyon, Oenomys, Okapia, Oreotragus, Orycteropus, Oryx, Otolemur, Ourebia, Ovis, Paguma, Pan, Panthera, Pantholops, Papio, Paraxerus, Pedetes, Pelea, Perodiciticus, Petaurista, Phacochoerus, Phacohoerus, Poecilogale, Poiana, Potamogale, Potomocherus, Praomys, Presbytis, Procapra, Procavia, Proteles, Protoxeros, Psammomys, Pseudois, Raphiceros, Redunca, Rupicapra, Scotoecus, Scotophilus, Selenarctos, Sus, Sylvicapra, Syncerus, Tatera, Tetracerus, Thamnomys, Theropithecus, Thryonomys, Tragelaphus, Trichechus, Ursus, Viverrra, Vulpes, Xerus and Zenkerella.