anemonella การใช้
- _Rue anemone ( Anemonella thalictroides ) is a small, shade-loving wildflower that goes dormant in summer.
- Delicate rue anemone ( Anemonella thalictroides ) caught my eye at a nursery in Tallahassee one spring and came home in my hand baggage.
- After giving closer scrutiny to the blue-green leaves and soft white to pink flowers, the scientists decided to reclassify rue anemone from Anemonella thalictroides to Thalictrum thalictroides.
- If they paid attention to the signs, it was probably to point and say, " Nice Anemonella thalictroides, " before the name slipped out of sight, out of mind.
- Other later bulbs to try in dappled light include Allium aflatunense, golden onion ( Allium flavum ), golden garlic ( Allium molly ), our native Anemone canadensis, Camassia quamash, and Anemonella thalictriodes.