angiocarpous การใช้
- Some species have angiocarpous, i . e ., closed fruitbodies.
- It is a tissue usually found in an angiocarpous fruit-body, especially gasteromycetes.
- Angiocarpous fruit-bodies usually consist of fruit enclosed within a covering that does not form a part of itself; such as the cupule.
- Phylogenetic analyses have also revealed that " Lactarius ", in the strict sense, contains some species with closed ( angiocarpous ) fruitbodies, e . g . " L . angiocarpus " described from Zambia.
- Currently, around 600 Lactarius species are described, but roughly one fourth or 150 of these are believed to belong to " Lactifluus ", while the angiocarpous genera " Arcangeliella " and " Zelleromyces " have not yet been synonymized with " Lactarius ".