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angularis การใช้

  • The apertural margin is U-shaped with a pronounced circular angular sinus and a strong angularis.
  • One subspecies is recognized ( in addition to the nominate one ) : " Phelsuma laticauda angularis ".
  • ""'Coluzea angularis " "'is a species of large sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the family Turbinellidae.
  • ""'Benthofascis angularis " "'is a species of sea snail, a marine gastropod mollusk in the family Conorbidae.
  • The cervical embrasure usually is filled by the interdental papilla from the gingiva; in the absence of adequate gingival tissue a black angle, or Angularis Nigra is visible.
  • "Eucalyptus angularis " is a mallee that grows to a height of approximately It has grey rough to flaky bark lower on the stem and smooth above and angular branchlets.
  • ""'Hexaplex angularis " "'is a species of sea snail, a marine gastropod mollusk in the family Muricidae, the murex snails or rock snails.
  • These two nuclei are the starting points of two separate but parallel pathways to the inferior colliculus : the pathway from nucleus magnocellularis processes ITDs, and the pathway from nucleus angularis processes IID.
  • The Chytridiales is now monophyletic and species such as " Polychytrium aggregatum ", " Chytriomyces angularis " and " Cladochytrium replicatum " have been transferred to other orders.
  • The apertural margin is not thickened inside, the callus does not cover the umbilicus, the angularis is very weak, the parietal callus is weak or absent, no cervical callus is present.
  • The stomach has the characteristic pattern of sigmodontines ( unilocular-hemiglandular ) : it is not split in two chambers by an incisura angularis and the front part ( antrum ) is covered by a glandular epithelium.
  • It arises by a flat lamella from the scaphoid fossa at the base of the medial pterygoid plate, from the spina angularis of the sphenoid and from the lateral wall of the cartilage of the auditory tube.
  • Previously, lack of proper termology to report this condition was an issue, often colloquially termed the " black triangle "; " angularis nigra " was coined at the University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry.
  • The fibers of the auditory nerve innervate both cochlear nuclei in the brainstem, the cochlear nucleus magnocellularis ( mammalian anteroventral cochlear nucleus ) and the cochlear nucleus angularis ( see figure; mammalian posteroventral and dorsal cochlear nuclei ).
  • The neurons of the nucleus magnocellularis phase-lock, but are fairly insensitive to variations in sound pressure, while the neurons of the nucleus angularis phase-lock poorly, if at all, but are sensitive to variations in sound pressure.
  • Adults are similar to " Oreta angularis ", but the outer margin of the forewings is convex, not forming a triangle and there are two prominent oblique dark lines on the hindwings, as well as an oval dark spot in the cell.
  • Nearer its pyloric than its cardiac end is a well-marked notch, the " incisura angularis ", which varies somewhat in position with the state of distension of the viscus; it serves to separate the stomach into a right and a left portion.
  • The beetle is known for attacking the cowpea ( " Vigna unguiculata " ), but it readily attacks other beans and peas such as the mung bean ( " Vigna radiata " ) and adzuki bean ( " Vigna angularis " ).
  • Directly opposite the incisura angularis of the lesser curvature the greater curvature presents a dilatation, which is the left extremity of the pyloric part; this dilatation is limited on the right by a slight groove, the sulcus intermedius, which is about 2.5 cm, from the duodenopyloric constriction.
  • There are three more or less secondary gene pools within the group : ricebean is closer to " V . angularis " than to the other species, being in the Angulares group ( Kaga " et al . ", 1996, Tomooka " et al . ", 2003 ).