antithetically การใช้
- For example, Psalm 1 utilizes synonymous, synthetic, and emblematic parallelism before " turning " antithetically back to emblematic, synthetic, and then synonymous parallels.
- Other formal characteristics include compliments for already adhering to what is exhorted, encouragement to continue in the same fashion, an example ( often delineated antithetically and usually a family member, particularly the speaker's father ).
- "Here are two people of approximately the same age, who went to college in the'60s and who responded antithetically to the cultural chasm, " said Fred I . Greenstein, a presidential scholar who teaches at Princeton.
- But they are all, so to speak, animated by an attempt to blend the two major strains of 20th-century American animation, to use the form simultaneously as a vehicle for enchantment and, somewhat antithetically, as a tool for satire _ to make fun in two perhaps incompatible senses of the term.
- There has been a tendency also for editors to assume that James's problems with Parliament led to those of Charles, and this is a long-established and acceptable view : but it has been repeatedly modified by historians in the last fifteen years, so now both views are set out in the lead antithetically, with references.