aptitudinal การใช้
- After passing numerous psychometric, psychoanalytic, aptitudinal, and polygraphic tests, Clayton is taken to The Farm, a CIA training facility.
- If a chef-de-race is placed in two different aptitudinal groups, in no case can the two groups be more than two positions apart; for example, Classic-Solid or Brilliant-Classic are permissible, but Brilliant-Solid, Intermediate-Professional and Brilliant-Professional are not.
- A social metaphor, uncomfortable but very current, treated cynically by bassist-singer Fabban through a story set in a mental hospital, which suggests that he used his pen with an absolute commitment and the determination to keep off ABORYM from the banality and clich閟 both ideological / aptitudinal and musical that saturate the extreme metal scene ."
- A social metaphor, uncomfortable but very current, treated cynically by bassist / singer Fabban through a story set in a mental hospital, which suggests that he used his pen with an absolute commitment and the determination to keep off Aborym from the banality and both ideological / aptitudinal and musical clich閟 that saturate the Extreme Metal scene ".
- Based on what distances the progeny of the sires so designated excelled in during their racing careers ( the distance preferences displayed by the sires themselves while racing being irrelevant ), each chef-de-race ( the list released in the early 1980s identified 120 such sires, and 85 more have been added ) is placed in one or two of the following categories, or " aptitudinal groups " : Brilliant, Intermediate, Classic, Solid or Professional, with " Brilliant " indicating that the sire's progeny fared best at very short distances and " Professional " denoting a propensity for very long races on the part of the sire's offspring, the other three categories ranking along the same continuum in the aforementioned order.