arachnological การใช้
- According to ( Murphy & Murphy, 2000 ), " to watch the spider stalking and killing its prey is an arachnological spectacular ".
- It seems that nobody in the history of arachnological studies can be compared with Lehtinen in respect to the number of expeditions, and their geography.
- The " Monographie der Spinnen " can therefore be counted among the early arachnological works that are still "'scientifically relevant today " '.
- The BAS has hosted an International arachnological meeting ( Exeter in 1977, together with the Zoological Society of London ) and a European arachnological meeting ( Edinburgh in 1997 ).
- The BAS has hosted an International arachnological meeting ( Exeter in 1977, together with the Zoological Society of London ) and a European arachnological meeting ( Edinburgh in 1997 ).
- The primary objectives of the Society are to encourage interest in arachnology in people of all ages and to generate, promote and disseminate arachnological knowledge and understanding by all suitable means.
- The primary aims of the Society are to encourage interest in arachnology in people of all ages and to generate, promote and disseminate arachnological knowledge and understanding by all suitable means.
- At the 1968 meeting in Monks Wood a decision was made to rename the society again, which from 1969 became known as the "'British Arachnological Society " '.
- The first " Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society " was published, now with an improved production quality, with John Crocker as editor; who also designed the society logo showing a crab spider.
- "Arachnology " [ formerly the " Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society " ] is a peer-reviewed academic journal, publishing research papers on all aspects of arachnid biology, excluding mites.
- Arachnological papers published by C鈔dido Firmino de Mello-Leit鉶 ( Arachnida ) . " Publica珲es Avulsas do Museu Nacional ", Rio de Janeiro, 105 : 1-17 . [ Date of publ : October 2004 ].
- Earlier international congress proceedings were produced either in special congress volumes or local journals, but since 1999 the proceedings have been published in a dedicated issue of the " Journal of Arachnology " produced by the American Arachnological Society.
- His professional activities and affiliations include membership secretary of the Peckhamia "; editorial board member of the American Tarantula Society; member of the Committee on Common Names, American Arachnological Society; and Courtesy Assistant Professor, Department of Entomology and Nematology, University of Florida.
- Eskov graduated from the Department of Biology of Moscow State University in 1979 . In 1986 he defended a dissertation for the eras . he is the Senior Researcher at the Laboratory of Arthropods of the Paleontological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences and vice-president of the Eurasian Arachnological Society.
- "' The American Arachnological Society ( AAS ) "'is a scientific organization founded in 1972 in order to promote the study of arachnids by seeking to achieve closer cooperation and understanding between amateur and professional arachnologists along with publication of the " Journal of Arachnology ."
- Anyway, it would seem this is the ideal method with regard to members of the Zora subfamily, judging by how much attention is focused on the pedipals and seminal recepticals in the source you provided and http : / / bugguide . net / node / view / 1059312 / bgpage other arachnological guides.
- The " Newsletter of the British Arachnological Society " is a more informal publication, including observations on arachnids and other short papers of academic interest, reports of meetings, obituaries, historical notes and book reviews, etc . Running to 119 volumes as of 2010, it was originally edited by John Parker ( issues 1 50 ), then John Dalingwater ( issues 51 100 ) and is currently edited by Richard Gallon.
- Common belief has it that " T . domestica ", first only occurring in Europe, was accidentally introduced to the Americas by arachnological studies, however, suggest that the species had a common ancestor with the giant house spider that spread to both Europe ( through Asia ) and the rest of North America from Northwestern Canada ( possibly from a region currently including British Columbia ) long before the first human settlement in North America.