balanites การใช้
- Leaves from " Balanites " species and several insects may also be eaten.
- The cheetah avoids the sun from April to October, seeking the shelter of shrubs such as balanites and acacias.
- In Niger, commonly used species include : Strychnos spinosa, Balanites aegyptiaca, Boscia senegalensis, Ziziphus spp ., Annona senegalensis, Poupartia birrea and Faidherbia albida.
- ""'Balanites aegyptiaca " "'is a species of tree, classified either as a member of the Zygophyllaceae or the Balanitaceae.
- The wood of " Balanites wilsoniana " is fairly heavy, straight-grained and soft, initially it is white in colour but yellows with time.
- In the mountains of the Eastern Desert grows the tree " Balanites aegyptiaca ", the open patchy woodland being remnants of forests that used to cover this region.
- ""'Balanites glabra " "'is a species of tree or shrub, classified either as a member of the Zygophyllaceae or the Balanitaceae.
- Anubis baboons ( " Papio anubis " ) and hamadryas baboons ( " Papio hamadryas " ) in Ethiopia use fruits and leaves of " Balanites aegyptiaca " to control schistosomiasis.
- Nests are almost always placed in the main fork or top of an " Acacia " tree, though " Balanites " and " Terminalia " trees are sometimes also used, at off the ground.
- With the low rainfall the vegetation away from the river is sparse and consists mainly of various species of Acacia ( " Acacia raddiana ", " Acacia nilotica ", " Acacia ehrenbergiana " ) and " Balanites aegyptiaca ".
- Among the Saharo-Arabian species, these may be mentioned : " Panicum turgidum, Aerva javanica, Zygophyllum simplex, Fagonia indica, Salsola " spp ., " Acacia tortilis, A . hamulos, A . ehrenbergiana, Phoenix dactylifera, Hyphaene thebaica, Capparis decidua, Salvadora persica, Balanites aegyptiaca ", and many others.
- During the 20th century a series of scientific missions in the A飏 has permitted to identify the majority of plant species developing in the A飏 . " Acacia tortilis " subsp . " raddiana " ( " Afagag " ) and " Balanites aegyptiaca " ( " Aborak " ) are among the most frequent tree species in the intermountain zone.
- Thorny bushes or small trees commonly found in this area include " Capparis deciduas, Capparis sepiaria, Balanites aegyptiaca, Acacia senegal, A . nilotica, A . leucophloea, Prosopis juliflora, Butea monosperma, Maytenus emarginata, Tamarix sp ., Salvadora persica, S . oleoides, Crotalaria medicaginea, C . burhia, Clerodendrum phlomidis, Calotropis procera, Xanthium indicum " and " Leptadenia pyrotechnica " associated with climbers such as " Maerua oblongifolia, Pergularia daemia, Ceropegia bulbosa ", herbs e . g ., " Argemone mexicana, Farsetia hamiltonii, Tephrosia purpurea, Cleome viscosa, Tribulus terrestris, Glinus lotoides, Sericostoma pauciflorum, Rivea sp ., Ipomoea sp ., Pedalium murex, Sesamum mulayanum, Lepidagathis sp, Boerhavia diffusa, Chrozophora sp . ", and grasses like " Cyprus sp ., Fimbristylis sp ., Brachiaria sp ., Cenchrus sp ., Dichanthium sp . ", etc.