ball-dress การใช้
- Her ball-dress still lay on the sofa, and with a sort of fierce care she arrayed herself, took the flowers in her hand, and went down .
- She was wearing a ball - dress with an imperial badge on it
- In front and behind them walked guests dressed in similar ball - dresses and conversing in similarly subdued tones
- She was in a blue everyday dress , in which she struck prince andrey as looking prettier than in her ball - dress
- Here , look . she pulled up her muslin sleeve and showed him on her long , thin , soft arm above the elbow near the shoulder on the part which is covered even in a ball - dress a red mark
- And when dunyasha readily undertook to do it all for her , natasha sat down on the floor with the old ball - dress in her hands , and fell to dreaming on subjects far removed from what should have been occupying her mind then
- Natasha was sitting on the floor in her dismantled room among heaps of dresses , ribbons , and scarfs . she sat gazing immovably at the floor , holding in her hands an old ball - dress , the very dress , now out of fashion , in which she had been to her first petersburg ball
- Her white ball - dress adorned with ivy and moss rustled lightly ; her white shoulders , glossy hair , and diamonds glittered , as she passed between the men who moved apart to make way for her . not looking directly at any one , but smiling at every one , as it were courteously allowing to all the right to admire the beauty of her figure , her full shoulders , her bosom and back , which were extremely exposed in the mode of the day , she moved up to anna pavlovna , seeming to bring with her the brilliance of the ballroom
- Pierre remembered well that little circular drawing - room with its mirrors and little tables . when there had been balls in the counts house , pierre , who could not dance , had liked sitting in that little room full of mirrors , watching the ladies in ball - dresses with pearls and diamonds on their bare shoulders , as they crossed that room and looked at themselves in the brightly lighted mirrors that repeated their reflections several times