barbital การใช้
- In 1904, he helped to launch barbital under the brand name Veronal.
- They tried drugs like phenyl barbital and Dilantin.
- She suffered from severe depression and committed suicide 31 March 1958 by overdose of barbital.
- Along with the physician Josef von Mering, he helped to launch the first barbiturate sedative, barbital, in 1904.
- Von Mering collaborated with the chemist Emil Fischer, who was also involved in the discovery of barbital . ( 2)
- In 1903, he published observations that barbital ( then known as diethyl-barbituric acid ) has sedative properties in humans.
- Sodium barbital and barbital have also been used as pH buffers for biological research, e . g ., in immunoelectrophoresis or in fixative solutions.
- Sodium barbital and barbital have also been used as pH buffers for biological research, e . g ., in immunoelectrophoresis or in fixative solutions.
- Because of his age he was unable to find a new position abroad, and finally committed suicide by barbital overdose at Dornbusch, fearing Gestapo torture because he was a Jew.
- On the night of 7 / 8 May 1933, Neppach, obviously in despair because of the increasing discrimination and prosecution of Jewish people in Germany and her isolation from tennis in particular, took her life in her flat at Berlin using Barbital and town gas.
- Barbital, methylphenobarbital ( also known as mephobarbital ), and phenobarbital are designated schedule III . Under the original CSA, no barbiturates were placed in schedule I, II, or V, however amobarbital, pentobarbital, and secobarbital are schedule II controlled substances unless they are in a suppository dosage form.
- Intravenous injection of opiates is most used : by comparison with injection, " dragon chasing " ( heating of heroin with barbital on a piece of foil ), and madak and " ack ack " ( smoking of cigarettes containing tobacco mixed with heroin powder ) are only 40 percent and 20 percent efficient, respectively.
- Designed to regulate amphetamines, barbiturates, and other synthetics, the 34th version of the treaty,, regulates secobarbital as schedule II, amobarbital, butalbital, cyclobarbital, and pentobarbital as schedule III, and allobarbital, barbital, butobarbital, mephobarbital, phenobarbital, butabarbital, and vinylbital as schedule IV on its " Green List ".
- When cocaine is mixed with diluents for the purpose of injection, the " . . . diluents can produce serious abscesses and pain if the user misses the vein and injects into muscle tissue . " " Diluents and adulterants are often added to No . 3 heroin ", including sugar, quinine, barbital and caffeine, some of which " can cause serious side effects . " Dr . Hirsch, the New York Medical Examiner, claimed that buying illegal drugs is " . . . like playing Russian roulette, " because " there is no way of knowing just what a heroin dealer has slipped into the packets . " In some cases, if a dealer does not take the time to dilute the drug with lactose or other fillers, a " very potent blend of heroin " is sold, which can lead to overdoses.