beam-column การใช้
- Nonlinear finite element analysis of beam - column end - plate joints
- Stiffness simulation of elastic - plastic of beam - column with varying section
- Elastic - plastic fiber beam - column element and its parametric analysis
- In - plane stability design of i - section beam - columns with slender web
- Out - plane stability of tapered beam - columns with hinged - hinged end
- Steel memher beam - column
- Ultimate load capacity analysis for concrete - filled - steel - tube beam - columns
- Out - of - plane stability design of i - sectioned beam - columns with slender web
- Mechanical analysis of semi - rigid beam - column joints with angular steel connection
- Coefficient of equivalent bending moment of eccentrically loaded steel memher beam - column okok . org
- The experimental research on seismic performance for angles beam - column connections of steel frame
- Applying the improved robust design method to analyze shear strength of exterior rc beam - column joints
- Effects of the plates width - thickness ratios on cyclic characteristics of i - section steel beam - columns
- Equivalent loading method for solving beam - column with initial bending and its application in drilling engineering
- Experimental and theoretical research on in - plane stability capacity of h - section aluminum beam - columns
- Beam - column elements modal and bilinear spring is used to describe the mechanic character of bottom frame structure
- The results show that the prestressed concrete frame with beam - column subassemblages has better seismic performance
- Based on the analytical results , recommendations for the seismic design of beam - column moment connections are given
- The seismic resistant design method of reinforced concrete beam - column connections based on compression strut and softened truss models
- In conclusion , some constructing and designing suggestion is put out for the strengthening of beam - column joints according to the output of the experiments
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