berardius การใช้
- A new species of beaked whale called Berardius beringiae was discovered on the island.
- Further, the degree of differentiation between the northern and southern forms of Berardius suggest that the species may already have been separated for several million years.
- An unknown type of large beaked whale of similar size to fully grown " Berardius bairdii " have been reported to live in the Sea of Okhotsk.
- They are sometimes referred to as " four-toothed whales " or " giant beaked whales ", but are most commonly known by their genus name, " Berardius ".
- Specimens have been recorded as far north as the Bering Sea and as far south as the Baja California Peninsula on the east side and the southern islands ( Izu and Bonin Islands ) of Japan on the west although it is unclear whether records at these islands are of Berardius bairdii.
- For example, northern and southern bottlenose whales ( " H . ampullatus " and " H . planifrons " ), Cuvier's beaked whales, and Blainville's beaked whales ( " Mesoplodon densirostris " ) have a reported maximum group size of 20 individuals, with the average ranging from 2.5 to 3.5 individuals . " Berardius " species and Longman's beaked whales ( " Indopacetus pacificus " ) are found in larger groups of up to 100 individuals.