birthwort การใช้
- Birthwort has many uses including for bruises on the head, snakebite, and prolapse of the uterus.
- Due to its resemblance to the uterus, the doctrine of signatures held that " birthwort " was useful in childbirth.
- Of the dozen, aristolocholic acid, a k a snakeroot, birthwort, serpentaria, etc ., gets a " definitely hazardousidney transplants.
- ""'Aristolochia serpentaria " "'is a species of perennial flowering plant in the Aristolochiaceae ( birthwort ) family.
- The name is used in Jamaica to refer to a species of Birthwort ( " Aristolochia odoratissima " ) still believed to have antidotal properties.
- There are a number of species of Passion flowers ( Passifloraceae ), Birthworts ( Aristolochiaceae ), Bananas ( Musaceae ) and Aroids ( Araceae ).
- "' Aristolochic acids "'( ) are a family of carcinogenic, mutagenic, and nephrotoxic compounds commonly found in the birthwort ( Aristolochiaceae ) family of plants.
- The ingredients were turpentine, wax, gum ammoniac, birthwort roots, olibanum, bdellium, myrrh and galbanum, opoponax, verdigris, litharge, plus olive oil, and vinegar.
- The spots on the bright yellow background of the large flowers of this birthwort are at the origin of its specific name which comes from the Greek poikilos, spotted, and anthos, flower.
- Of the dozen, aristolocholic acid, a k a snakeroot, birthwort, serpentaria, etc ., gets a " definitely hazardous " label, having been documented to be a potent human carcinogen.
- Despite the toxic properties of aristolochic acid, naturopaths claim that a decoction of birthwort stimulates the production and increases the activity of white blood cells, or that pipevines contain a disinfectant which assists in wound healing.
- The "'Aristolochiaceae "'( ) are a family, the "'birthwort family "', of flowering plants with seven genera and about 400 known species belonging to the order Piperales.
- Herbal compounds containing " Aristolochia " are classified as a European birthwort ( " A . clematitis " ) is a cause of Balkan nephropathy, a severe renal disease occurring in parts of southeast Europe.
- The problematic ingredient may be present in products labeled with botanical names including aristolochia, bragantia or asarum, common names such as birthwort, snakeroot or ginger or Chinese herbal names such as fang ji or mu tong, among others.
- In the Balkan region, dietary aristolochic acid exposure may come from the consumption of the seeds of " Aristolochia clematitis " ( European birthwort ), a plant native to the endemic region, which are thought to comingle with the wheat used for bread.
- The Tokugawa's clan crest, known in Japanese as a " birthwort family and translates as " wild ginger " " Asarum " ), has been a readily recognized icon in Japan, symbolizing in equal parts the Tokugawa clan and the last shogunate.
- The most frequent 26 ingredients are : Garden Angelica, Healing Wolfsbane, Birthwort, Bistort, Sweet Flag, Carline Thistle, Dittany, Gentian, Masterwort, viper meat, Mithridate ( another concoction in its own right ), Theriac ( yet another concoction ), white wine, and honey.