botanise การใช้
- During this period he botanised in Arthur's Pass, Banks Peninsula, Lake Wakatipu and Stewart Island.
- Their botanising was interrupted by a trip to Okahandja where they tried unsuccessfully to obtain a concession from the chief Kamaherero.
- Faure had accompanied Harvey on numerous botanising excursions, and had left the Cape for India in 1844 having received a commission in the East India Company's military service.
- As a keen gardener he regretted he could not visit the mountains in June to see the alpine flora at its best, but he still found time to botanise and make plant lists.
- This prominent link between urban life and nature largely determined the disordered layout of Townsville's streets and in the late 19th century was frequented for recreational pursuits such as botanising and nature study.
- He communicated some plants to Bangor for more than a year, botanising with Rev . W . Green and W . Jones, and sending dried plants to Dillenius, particularly mosses, thus clearing up many doubtful points.
- Spending much time botanising in the mountains, he came into contact with the mountaineering fraternity and played a role in the founding of the Mountain Club of South Africa in 1891, acting as chairman from 1901-1906 and receiving their gold badge in 1906.
- Later, the Scottish botanist Henry Ogg Forbes botanised the southern islands in 1879, collecting 38 species in 22 days, followed by W . E . Birch in 1885 and the British botanist Henry B . Guppy, who spent ten weeks in 1888 on both atolls.
- The family home was at Highcliffe Castle, and had been in Stuart possession since about 1770 when Louisa's great-grandfather, John Stuart, 3rd Earl of Bute ( a founder of Kew Gardens ), while out botanising, discovered the cliff-top viewsite overlooking Christchurch Bay, and commissioned the architect Robert Adam, to design High Cliff, a sumptuous Georgian mansion, with grounds laid out by Capability Brown.
- He visited George Washington ( 1732 1799 ), William Bartram ( 1739 1823 ) eminent American botanist and naturalist, the son of John Bartram ( 1699-1777 ), who founded he Philadelphia Botanical Garden in 1728, and lumber baron Baudin expedition charged with charting the coast of New Holland, but he quarrelled with Baudin, leaving the ship at Mauritius and dying of a tropical fever while botanising in Madagascar in 1802.