camptosorus การใช้
- In 1956, John Mickel published " Asplenosorus pinnatifidus " as a new combination for the species to allow the continued recognition of " Camptosorus ".
- Since then, phylogenetic studies have shown that " Camptosorus " nests within " Asplenium ", and current treatments do not recognize it as a separate genus.
- "' Walking fern "'may refer to two species of fern in the genus " Asplenium " which are occasionally placed in a separate genus " Camptosorus ".
- In 1974, John Mickel published " Asplenosorus gravesii " as a new combination for the species to allow the continued recognition of the genus " Camptosorus " for the walking ferns.
- In 1974, John Mickel published " Asplenosorus trudellii " as a new combination for the species to allow the continued recognition of the genus " Camptosorus " for the walking ferns.
- In 1974, John Mickel published " Asplenosorus kentuckiensis " as a new combination for the species to allow the continued recognition of the genus " Camptosorus " for the walking ferns.
- It is a close relative of " Asplenium ruprechtii " ( syn : " Camptosorus sibiricus " ) which is found in East Asia and also goes by the common name of " walking fern ".
- It was commonly placed either in " Asplenium " and " Camptosorus " by later authors, but phylogenetic studies have shown that " Camptosorus " is nested within " Asplenium " and its species should be treated as part of that genus.
- It was commonly placed either in " Asplenium " and " Camptosorus " by later authors, but phylogenetic studies have shown that " Camptosorus " is nested within " Asplenium " and its species should be treated as part of that genus.
- In 1879, D . C . Eaton ( who had since accepted the distinctness of the species ), suggested that an experimenter should attempt to artificially cross " A . ebeneum " with " Camptosorus rhizophyllus " to see if " A . ebenoides " would be produced.
- This challenge was not taken up until 1898, when C . V . Morton pointed out that the lack of a Latin diagnosis for the hybrid genus " 譇splenosorus " made that genus and combinations under it invalid under the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature; in any case, he preferred to consolidate " Camptosorus " into " Asplenium ".
- A recent phylogenenetic study of Aspleniaceae ( Murukami et al . 1999 ) shows that species segregated as " Camptosorus " and " Neottopteris " are nested within " Asplenium " and recommends that they be included in that genus, but suggests that " Hymenasplenium " ( including " Boniniella " ) and " Phyllitis " are distantly related to other " Asplenium " species and should be recognized at the generic level.