cantankerously การใช้
- In particular, Agent Leeper behaved " cantankerously " toward the Natives.
- Myers is its Peter Sellers-ish master of ceremonies with a cantankerously funny Mel Brooks vision.
- The rest of the cast includes Ed Asner, who cantankerously plays creative director Carl " Dobbs"
- NASCAR'S niche popularity was founded on the accessibility of Richard Petty, and then the cantankerously lovable Dale Earnhardt.
- Barry Goldwater was cantankerously cordial, politically candid to the dismay of would-be image makers, blunt, sometimes blundering.
- Another forlorn character, Fiona Apple, returns in November with her second album, which, cantankerously, has a 90-word title.
- Morton consults his former professor Charles T . Jackson ( Julius Tannen ), who cantankerously suggests cooling the gums and roots with topical application of chloric ether.
- Ermey is cantankerously, if stereotypically, rebellious as Bowerman and Ed O'Neill makes assistant coach Bill Dellinger the most humane and fleshed-out character of the bunch.
- Always, of course, there's the New York you hear : this city has to be more richly, if cantankerously, aural than any other in the hemisphere.
- It's probably not surprising that the cantankerously opinionated Judd, the Minimalist sculptor who died in 1994, would abhor the curved planes and network of angles that characterize Gehry's architectural designs.
- They stay cantankerously close through marriages and divorce ( to other people, from other people ), fame and super-fame, illness and suffering, never quite lovers but walking a tightrope of attraction.
- And he's right, but fortunately for him, Slim Shady, rather than being shocking, is becoming familiar, even cantankerously cuddly, setting the stage for the emergence of a new kingfish sometime soon.
- Some personality traits of the cantankerously lovable, occasionally cigar-smoking, Jewish native of the Lower East Side are popularly recognized as having been inspired by those of co-creator Jack Kirby, who in interviews has said he intended Grimm to be an alter ego of himself.
- In Doug Grissom's muddled work at the Intar Theater, directed by John Lawler, Daniel takes a job digging holes on land owned by Ned ( Christopher Murney ), a mysterious, grizzled redneck who barks cantankerously whenever Daniel has the temerity to wonder aloud what they are supposed to be digging for, although Ned eventually confides that they're prospecting for gold.