canthal การใช้
- The canthal scale on either side of the head.
- On the head, the canthals, canthal ridge.
- The supraocular are separated from the supranasals by 2 canthal scales . 2 apical scales border the rostral.
- Some females, however, have broad light canthal and irregular dorsolateral stripes, as well as spots on the dorsum.
- The species is most similar to " canthal stripe, its white bones, and a single-note male advertisement call . " Litoria bella " inhabits rainforest and monsoon vine thicket near water.
- Nonetheless, one potential, but rare, complication of this nasal correction approach is the formation of a medial canthal web, which can be corrected with two ( 2 ) opposing Z-plasties, technique which relieves the disfiguring tensions exerted by the scar tissue's contracture, its shape, and location on the nose.
- This species differs from all other Sri Lankan frogs in having a discernible tympanum, an angle of the snout of about 100 degrees, having a distinct supratympanic fold, sharp canthal ridges, supernumerary tubercles on fingers but not on toes, extensive toe webbing, and dark brown reticulation on the posterior surface of the thigh, and in lacking a ligual papilla and tarsal tubercle.
- Its head is large, oviform, and very distinct from the neck; a strong, rounded supraorbital and canthal ridge is present; it has five deep concavities, a frontal, two postnasals, and two loreals; the snout is longer than the distance between the eye and the ear opening, 1.3 times the diameter of the orbit; the ear opening is vertical, measuring half the diameter of the eye.
- Its head is covered with very small granules, largest on the canthal ridges; the rostral is four-sided, twice as broad as high, and its posterior border is concave; its nostrils are pierced between the rostral, the first labial, and three nasals; the anterior is large and in contact with its fellow; 12 or 13 upper and as many lower labials occur; the mental is as large as the adjacent labials, or smaller than them; no regular chin-shields are found, but small, polygonal scales pass gradually into the granules which cover the gular region.