cathartes การใช้
- "Cathartes " is the Greek word ????????, for " purifier, " referring to these vultures'role as " cleansers " that " tidy up " decomposing corpses in nature.
- The very name of this place refers to crow-like Cathartidae which breed on its cliffs : " Cathartes burrovianus ", " Cathartes aura ", and " Coragyps atratus ".
- The very name of this place refers to crow-like Cathartidae which breed on its cliffs : " Cathartes burrovianus ", " Cathartes aura ", and " Coragyps atratus ".
- Likewise, TrizecHahn Corp . of Toronto, which bought the newly completed 200 Inner Belt Road project in Somerville from Cathartes Investments, is reportedly seeking city approval to use the 192, 000-square-foot building for alternative purposes.
- On the other side of town, the Cathartes Group, a local developer, plans to refurbish a 100, 000-square-foot industrial building at 437 D St . into 43 luxury condominiums for a total cost of about $ 4 million.
- Buyers have gone to contract on 20 of the 2, 000-square-foot units which cost about $ 100 per square foot, said James Goldenberg, a principal of Cathartes, which hopes to start renovation this summer and complete it early next year.
- Its chief predator is the turkey vulture ( " Cathartes aura " ) and when threatened, the incubating parent sometimes leaves the nest temporarily, and when this happens the eggs need to have impervious shells in order to avoid losing too much water through evaporation.
- Robert Maloney, managing director of Cathartes, which has sold off most of its telecom-oriented projects in the last year, is also trying to find office tenants for a " telecom hotel " it once planned to build at 121-127 Portland Street near North Station in Boston, which has 70, 000 square feet on six floors.
- The state is also a host to a large population of birds which include endemic species and migratory species : greater roadrunner " Geococcyx californianus ", cactus wren " Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus ", Mexican jay " Aphelocoma ultramarina ", Steller's jay " Cyanocitta stelleri ", acorn woodpecker " Melanerpes formicivorus ", canyon towhee " Pipilo fuscus ", mourning dove " Zenaida macroura ", broad-billed hummingbird " Cynanthus latirostris ", Montezuma quail " Cyrtonyx montezumae ", mountain trogon " Trogon mexicanus ", turkey vulture " Cathartes aura ", and golden eagle " Aquila chrysaetos " . " Trogon mexicanus " is an endemic species found in the mountains in Mexico; it is considered an endangered species and has symbolic significance to Mexicans.