celestially การใช้
- That's when Hale-Bopp will be closest to Earth _ 122 million miles _ just down the street, celestially speaking.
- Celestially speaking, this franchise has not exactly been Destiny's Darlings, unless you happen to have been born during the Taft Administration.
- Although the more hardy stargazers were out last night in the chill, everyone from professional astronomers to the celestially challenged are expected to turn out this week.
- The singing is live and, as tradition mandates, a cappella, the men's voices thunderous with gravitas, the women's celestially high.
- These 4 days are the most profound celestially of the 365 days that make up a year and yet they are all but forgotten in modern western culture.
- It will be " lights out, " celestially speaking, for the last time this century when a solar eclipse plunges portions of Europe and Asia into darkness on Wednesday.
- The hearts of men shall feel them better, shall feel them celestially, " as long as you crave nothing but the song . " The poet's voice becomes choric.
- You get the most bass with " Everything " which starts off the EP quite perfectly and ever so celestially; piano and an inspiring vocal speech lead you into what is to come.
- Even the always questionable Ken Russell does this kind of stuff better, but no matter; the music is so celestially stirring, it explains everything about immortal love that mere storytelling can't.
- Parks Commissioner Henry Stern was there, not trying to take credit for the show but cheerfully greeting the telescope-toting members of the Amateur Astronomers Association of New York, patiently answering questions from the celestially uninformed.
- When they re-encounter the missing students, they discover them to be now adults protecting an ark of 600 artificially created mutant embryos from the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse : one of whom is a celestially altered Colossus.
- We all lose loved ones and, inevitably, cross over ourselves; may we all be ushered on our way by such beautiful music as the chiming melody and ethereal voices that ascend celestially on " Crossing Over ."
- Uniting in the astral bands of frequency & where psychological debris, the living speech of the dead, and residual vibrations from a long-gone earth now celestially dwell, SFU emerges as one of the great bands of the 21st century.
- For 18 years, until the 9 / 11 attacks in 2001 when the events could no longer be held, The Port Authority of New York and The Lower Manhattan Cultural Council supported Henes'production of her " Celestially Auspicious Occasions ."
- At the best viewing time, between 5 : 30 and 6 a . m . Friday morning, Venus will be 118 million miles from Earth, while Jupiter will be 580 million miles, but they will be only 2 / 3 of a degree apart celestially.
- It lands almost at the feet of E . F . Bloodworth, a patriarch manque from Ackerman's Field, Tenn ., dropped there by a hawk, or perhaps thrown down by the gods as a reminder of our proneness to accident, the celestially unexpected.
- The angel-meets-surgeon weeper " City of Angels, " itself based on the more cerebral German masterpiece " Wings of Desire, " was the most popular movie of the spring and has been perched celestially atop the video rental charts for the better part of a month.
- Marquis Grissom, with nowhere else to go, just came a'chuggin'home with the run that made his team dual 2-1 victors, that being both the score of this astonishing 12-inning game and the status of the American League Championship Series, which now finds the celestially-blessed Indians in the lead.
- On a higher plane _ intellectually and celestially _ the station premiered " Weather Telefacts, " the region's first professional weather program, on Halloween night, 1949 . The weathermen were Bob Denney, Walter Porter and a youngster named Harold Taft . Taft went on to become a cherished institution who, at the time of his death in 1991, was arguably the most popular on-air figure in Channel 5 history.