cerite การใช้
- Cerite was first described in 1803 for an occurrence in Bastn鋝 in V鋝tmanland, Sweden.
- The lanthanum rich species, cerite-( La ) was first described for an occurrence in the Khibina massif, Kola Peninsula, Russia in 2002.
- Samarium occurs with concentration up to 2.8 % in several minerals including cerite, gadolinite, samarskite, monazite and bastn鋝ite, the last two being the most common commercial sources of the element.
- Well-known minerals containing cerium and the light lanthanides include bastn鋝ite, monazite, allanite, loparite, ancylite, parisite, lanthanite, chevkinite, cerite, stillwellite, britholite, fluocerite, and cerianite.
- Ceria, as isolated in 1803, contained all of the lanthanides present in the cerite ore from Bastn鋝, Sweden, and thus only contained about 45 % of what is now known to be pure ceria.
- He owned and controlled the mine at Bastn鋝, and had been trying for years to find out the composition of the abundant heavy gangue rock ( the " Tungsten of Bastn鋝 ", which despite its name contained no tungsten ), now known as cerite, that he had in his mine.
- At the same locality it was found in alkaline pegmatite veins associated with clinobarylite, natrolite, aegirine, microcline, catapleiite, fluorapatite, titanite, fluorite, galena, sphalerite, annite, astrophyllite, lorenzenite, labuntsovite-Mn, kuzmenkoite-Mn, cerite-( Ce ), edingtonite, ilmenite and calcite.
- Samarium is not found free in nature, but, like other rare earth elements, is contained in many minerals, including monazite, bastn鋝ite, cerite, gadolinite and samarskite; monazite ( in which samarium occurs at concentrations of up to 2.8 % ) Samarium is usually sold as oxide, which at the price of about 30 USD / kg is one of the cheapest lanthanide oxides.
- It also occurs at Yukspor Mountain, Khibiny Massif, Kola Peninsula, Murmanskaja Oblast', Northern Region, in an aegerine-natrolite-microcline vein in foyaite, associated with aegirine, anatase, ancylite-( Ce ), barylite, catapleiite, cerite-( Ce ), cerite-( La ), chabazite-( Ca ), edingtonite, fluorapatite, galena, ilmenite, microcline, natrolite, sphalerite and vanadinite.
- It also occurs at Yukspor Mountain, Khibiny Massif, Kola Peninsula, Murmanskaja Oblast', Northern Region, in an aegerine-natrolite-microcline vein in foyaite, associated with aegirine, anatase, ancylite-( Ce ), barylite, catapleiite, cerite-( Ce ), cerite-( La ), chabazite-( Ca ), edingtonite, fluorapatite, galena, ilmenite, microcline, natrolite, sphalerite and vanadinite.
- Typically, in ores, neodymium is higher in relative abundance in monazite, as compared to the bastn鋝ite compositions, and the difference is noticeable when unseparated mixtures derived from each are examined side-by-side : the monazite-derived products are more pinkish, and the bastn鋝ite-derived products are more brownish in tinge, due to the latter's increased relative praseodymium content . ( The original cerite from Bastn鋝 has a rare earth composition highly similar to that of monazite sand .)