chairlady การใช้
- Serero was selected as'Chairlady'and Ona as General Secretary.
- The director of this year was Kitty Ng, the chairlady of HKSSU.
- Bergen County Clerk and former Chairlady of the New Jersey Republican State Committee.
- Deputy Minister of Tourism and Culture and Chairlady of the Woman's Youth ( Puteri ) of United Malays National Organisation.
- She was the " Chairlady " of Chinachem Group, and the richest woman in Asia, with an estimated net worth of almost $ 4 billion.
- Shahrizat is the Chairlady of the Women's wing of the United Malays National Organisation ( UMNO ), and therefore also the Chairlady of the Women's Wing of the ruling Barisan Nasional coalition.
- Shahrizat is the Chairlady of the Women's wing of the United Malays National Organisation ( UMNO ), and therefore also the Chairlady of the Women's Wing of the ruling Barisan Nasional coalition.
- Indeed, as the " chairlady " _ her preferred term _ of the Chinachem Group, the largest privately held company in Hong Kong, Ms . Wang is used to getting what she wants.
- The Youth Congress eventually become one of the largest conventions in COGIC . The International Youth President is Dr . Benjamin Stephens of Grandview, Missouri, and The International Chairlady is Evangelist Joyce Rogers of Denton, Texas.
- Since 2003 the Green delegate to the Federal Council ( " Bundesrat " ) of Parliament is Eva Konrad, former chairlady of the Austrian National Union of Students ( " 謘terreichische Hochsch黮erInnenschaft " ) of the University of Innsbruck.
- After Teddy Wang ( 媠?_ ?)'s kidnapping and disappearance in 1990, his wife Nina Wang ( 敓俌?_ ) took over the company as the " Chairlady " and built it into a major property developer, making her the richest woman in Asia.
- She is now the chairlady of the Central Conservatory of Music ( HK ) Foundation, and currently teaching at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University and The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and has also adjudicated in numerous local and international competitions.
- Hoagy Carmichael was on to something when he wrote " Ol'Rockin'Chair's Got Me " with Mitchell Parrish in 1929 . Everybody called Mildred Bailey the " rocking-chairlady " after she sang it with LouisArmstrong ( and Jack Teagardenon trombone ).
- A change in the 2007 version versus the 2006 version is that ( at the request of Anthere, WMF chairlady ) we now include the image pages from Wikipedia with the full image details ( e . g . http : / / schools-wikipedia . org / images / 168 / 16898 . jpg . htm ).
- Upon Shahrizat's victory as Wanita UMNO Chairlady on March 26, 2009, and Najib Tun Razak becoming Prime Minister, she was reappointed as Minister of Women, Family and Community Development on April 10, 2009 . To qualify to be appointed as a minister, she was sworn in as a Senator in the Dewan Negara the day before.
- The Green delegates to the Viennese " Gemeinderat " or " Landtag " as of 2006 were : Maria Vassilakou ( club-chairlady [ " Klubobfrau " ] ), Waltraut Antonov, Heidi Cammerlander, Christoph Chorherr, Sabine Gretner, Susanne Jerusalem, Alev Korun, R黡iger Maresch, Martin Margulies, Sigrid Pilz, Ingrid Puller, Marie Ringler, Marco Schreuder, Claudia Sommer-Smolik.