chrysolepis การใช้
- The larvae feed on " Chrysolepis sempervirens ".
- The larvae feed on " Chrysolepis chrysophylla ".
- "Chrysolepis sempervirens " grows mostly at high elevation, altitude.
- He noted the presence of Canyon live oak ( " Quercus chrysolepis " ).
- Astilbin can be isolated from Kohki tea processed from " Engelhardtia chrysolepis " ( huang-qi ).
- Only " Anolis chrysolepis " is a Trinidad native, with all other anoles being relatively recently or historically introduced.
- Hybridization between " Q . vacciniifolia " and " Q . chrysolepis " has been extensively reported in Sierra Nevada.
- ""'Chrysolepis chrysophylla " "'is a species of flowering plant in the Washington to central California.
- The larvae feed on " Lithocarpus densiflorus ", " Quercus chrysolepis " and mine the leaves of their host plant.
- Chinquapin Creek ( and therefore Chinquipin ) was named for the Sierra Chinquapin ( Chrysolepis sempervirens ) brush that grows in the area ( with spiny seeds ).
- "Chrysolepis chrysophylla " foliage, in the Santa Cruz Mountains, Northern California . " Note undersides of foliage are a bright yellow ."
- The canyons of the lower eastern Sierra de Pedro M醨tir are the southern range demarcation of natural Canyon live oaks ( " Quercus chrysolepis " ) and California fan palms.
- The usual host plants for the larvae are the canyon live oak ( " Quercus chrysolepis " ) and the coast live oak ( " Quercus agrifolia " ), as well as other species of oaks.
- The English name chinkapin is shared with other related plants, including the golden chinkapins of the Pacific United States, which are sometimes included within " Castanopsis " but are more often considered a separate but very closely related genus, " Chrysolepis ".
- Canyon live oak grows at elevations of about 500 to 1500 meters in southwestern Oregon; in Northern California, from 100 to 1400 meters; and in Southern California, up to approximately 2700 meters . " Quercus chrysolepis " can be the dominant tree on steep canyon walls, especially in locations of shallow rocky soils.
- This reserve is located near montane chaparral, a type of plant community that includes greenleaf and pinemat manzanitas ( " Arctostaphylos patula, A . nevadensis " ), bitter cherry ( " Prunus emarginata " ) and bush chinquapin ( " Chrysolepis sempervirens " ) that grow at elevations from up to.
- Among the endemic species, which can be found also in other Balkan countries are Acanthus balcanicus, Achillea ageratifolia, Armeria rumelica, Centaurea chrysolepis, Cephalaria flava, Cerastium moesiacum, Crocus veluchensis, Dianthus cruentus, Digitalis viridiflora, Erysimum comatum, Gentianella bulgarica, Iris reichenbachii, Lilium jankae, Pedicularis grisebachii, Peucedanum aegopodioides, Sesleria latifolia, Silene sendtneri, and Vicia truncatula.
- "Chrysolepis " is related to the subtropical southeast Asian genus " Castanopsis " ( in which it was formerly included ), but differs in the nuts being triangular and fully enclosed in a sectioned cupule, and in having bisexual catkins . " Chrysolepis " also differs from another allied genus " Castanea " ( chestnuts ), in nuts that take 14 16 months to mature ( 3 5 months in " Castanea " ), evergreen leaves and the shoots having a terminal bud.
- "Chrysolepis " is related to the subtropical southeast Asian genus " Castanopsis " ( in which it was formerly included ), but differs in the nuts being triangular and fully enclosed in a sectioned cupule, and in having bisexual catkins . " Chrysolepis " also differs from another allied genus " Castanea " ( chestnuts ), in nuts that take 14 16 months to mature ( 3 5 months in " Castanea " ), evergreen leaves and the shoots having a terminal bud.