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clubbish การใช้

  • It is welcoming of everyone, though I can see how it might be viewed as " clubbish ".
  • "Too Much on the Inside " was reviewed by Quill and Quire Magazine, The Literary Review of Canada, and Book Clubbish.
  • The son-in-law of Lyndon Johnson was seemingly more at home in the clubbish atmosphere of the Senate than stumping for votes at home.
  • It has a lot of clubbish rites such as the " Firework ", the " Shuttlecock Club " and a dedicated drink, the " Bullshot ".
  • When he calls Evelyn Waugh " a clubbish writer assiduously polishing his malign sentences, " the bile in Waugh's careful cadences almost spurts out.
  • But the worry is that it may also reflect the atavistic desire of French business to retreat to its traditional clubbish ways _ and the politicians'encouragement of this.
  • Kynaston said, " that the City often needed outsiders like Warburg to bring in some dynamism because it was introverted and clubbish and didn't encourage meritocracy.
  • Thebee declined the invitation; it's very difficult to get anthroposophists to debate outside their own clubbish circles, where scholarly or professional standards will be applied to the debate.
  • It was one of those FYI deals, passed along by Lester Van Pelt III, the Texas GOP's communications director with the kind of country clubbish name that reinforces old stereotypes about the party.
  • What Barker catches, better than any dramatist since, is the knowing banter in the airless Tory salons, the clubbish maneuvering as the party leaders loll in their leather armchairs with their smiles and their knives.
  • From the long winding driveway, to the clipped lawns and rocker-lined verandah, it is a genteel, country-clubbish place _ blue-haired and almost Southern in feeling _ where the drinks are mixed but the composition of the guests is not.
  • He said NYU hopes to remind New York that 14th Street, now a cut-rate shopping district, once was the epicentor of Manhattan cuisine and clubbish culture, home not only to Luchow's but also to Delmonico's and the Academy of Music.
  • LAUSANNE, Switzerland _ Niels Holst-Sorensen sits in an overstuffed black leather chair in the Lausanne Palace hotel bar, a clubbish old place, its scarlet walls covered with original LeRoy Neiman paintings of athletes frozen in action visible through the haze of Cuban cigar smoke.
  • Leon Edel even sniffed that the place seems rather " mundane and country-clubbish . " James might not have taken this as particularly hurtful criticism, because he seems to have intended the great good place as something not out of the realm of normal human experience.
  • As a novice in a clubbish profession, Kennard once recalled that he sent out so many resumes, got invited to so many interviews and was rejected for so many jobs that he made a vow : " I decided I would never close my door to a student ."
  • In the attempt to be more " fan-friendly " in 1995, the ATP Tour players have made a $ 1.5 million contribution to its Kids'Fund, a program to increase tennis'appeal and a $ 1.2 million investment by the United States Tennis Association ( a group anxious to downplay its country-clubbish ways by putting up a credible public front ) in the Tennis Industry Association's drive to popularize the sport among youngsters.