coadunation การใช้
- Coadunation is a project originally developed by Brett Chaldecott, located in South Africa.
- The latest public version is Coadunation 1.5 . 0 . B5, which was released on 18 June 2008.
- Coadunation was first made available to the public on 13 December 2006 with the release of Coadunation 0.99 . A1.
- Coadunation was first made available to the public on 13 December 2006 with the release of Coadunation 0.99 . A1.
- The deaths of the people of Okanagon, however, propel humanity into the state of mental co-ordination ( called " coadunation " ) which is the precursor to a benevolent joining of minds across the galaxy which the member races of the Milieu refer to as Unity.
- All knowledge for Coleridge rests on the " coadunation " of subject and object, of the representation in the mind ( thought ) of a sense experience with the object itself, which can only occur where there is a connection between subject and object ('a reciprocal concurrence of both') beyond pure sense-experience, such that the thought that arises out of'the mind's self-experience in the act of thinking'produces not a representation but a phenomenon ( in the Hediggerian sense ) that is the re-enactment in the mind of reality ( such as for Collingwood in his " Idea of History " ) and as such is knowledge that is apodictic, heuristic and hermeneutic all at the same time.