coronilla การใช้
- Rare flowers include forget-me-nots, anemones, gentians, and coronilla elfworts.
- The caterpillar's food plants are vetches of the genus " Coronilla ".
- Most of municipality is grassland with a number of elevations such as Coronilla, Sacromonte, Coxtoc醤, Retana and Xoyac醤 Mountains.
- "Coronilla " species are used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including the case-bearers " Coleophora vicinella ".
- This site has a series of fourteen tombs arranged along an arroyo which is now dry . "'La Coronilla "'is located in an area called La Experiencia.
- There are also small hamlets that are inhabited only ocacasionally, like Casa Almunia, Molino L髉ez, Molino Villacampa, Molino Jabierre, Sarrati醩, Sarrato, Coronillas, Pelegr韓 and Gabardilla.
- The emperor was mostly not supported by the people of the state and in the following year, French forces were defeated at the La Coronilla Hacienda in Acatl醤 by Mexican General Eulogio Parra.
- She was a blind old woman, who was very brave as she had the courage to fight for her nation's independence ( cerro San Sebastian-Coronilla-close to Cochamba, Bolivia ) on 27 May 1812.
- The hills include El Huehuent髇 ( at 2000 metres ), El Pichacho ( at 1, 700 metres ), and others such as Cerro del Colotepec, Salto Colorado, El Tecolote, El Carrizal, La Coronilla, La Ventana.
- Bonnie L . Harper-Lore, who put the guidebook together, said, for example, that many states now list crownvetch ( Coronilla varia ) as a " noxious weed, " and some are trying to eradicate it.
- In the prairies " Tala " ( Celtis tala ), " Molle rastrero " ( Schinus longifolius ), " Espina amarilla " ( Berberis laurina ) and " Coronilla " ( Scutia buxifolia ) thrive, and Cortaderia selloana can be found.
- A Spanish version of Short s Rosary-based prayer, " La Coronilla de La Divina Misericordia, Cantada " ( " The Chaplet of the Divine Mercy, Sung " ) and " Generations Unite in Prayer : The Divine Mercy Chaplet in Song " are other productions from Divine Mercy in Song.
- From west to east, these are : Arroyo Rubio Chico, Arroyo Laureles which also forms part of the southern border of the department, Arroyo Cu馻pir?with its tributaries Arroyo Batov? Arroyo Mangueras, Arroyo de los M閐anos, Arroyo Corrales and Arroyo Zapucay, Arroyo Yaguar?with its tributary Arroyo Carpinter韆, and Arroyo Caraguat?with its tributary Arroyo Coronilla.
- Main host plants are various legumes ( Fabaceae ), especially common broom ( " Sarothamnus scoparius " ) and dyer s greenweed ( " Genista tinctoria " ), but also alfalfa ( " Medicago sativa " ), vetches ( Vicia species ), sweet-clover ( Melilotus species ), crownvetches ( Coronilla species ) sainfoins ( Onobrychis species ), lupin ( Lupinus species ) and others.
- Tributaries of R韔 Tacuaremb?flowing through most of the north of the department, from east to west, are : Arroyo Caraguat?with its tributaries Arroyo Coronilla, Ba馻do de los Cinco Sauces and Ba馻do del Turup? Arroyo Yaguar?with its tributaries Arroyo Carpinter韆 and Arroyo Cuar? Arroyo Zapucay, Arroyo Cu馻pir? Arroyo Laureles which also forms part of the northern border of the department, Arroyo de las Ca馻s, Arroyo Tacuaremb?Chico with its tributaries Arroyo Tres Cruces, Arroyo Tranqueras and Arroyo Batov? and Arroyo Veras.